Are you questioning whether your relationship is over?
Let’s talk
Time for Change
Many people are struggling with the current circumstances and it has challenged their intimate relationships. For some, it has shone a torch on the cracks that were already there, and has opened them wider, you might be wondering if you will ever get across to the other side.
You need to build many resources to support you and your life and relying on one person (your partner, parent or child) for all your emotional needs can place a strain on even the strongest of relationships.
Often couples will question if fighting is okay, particularly when it starts to get more and more intense.
Couple therapy can help you to understand each other better and gain some insight into what is happening and why you might sometimes feel like enemies. Often in times of stress and uncertainty it can be hard to connect to love and the difficulty each partner is experiencing in themselves, is played out in the relationship.
When it is challenging to connect to love, it is painful and often lonely, and repair and empathy can seem unattainable.
It is OK to ask for help. If you need a hand to reconnect to love and to each other, therapy is an effective way to begin this journey back to yourselves and to each other.
The act of simply talking about how you are feeling and your thoughts with a therapist can be very healing. I will listen to you and let you voice your worries and exploring what is weighing on your mind.
It feels good to be heard – to know that someone cares about you and wants to help. While it is great to have close family and friends to support you, often having and outside perspective, some expert guidance, will help you get to the root of the problem. I will work with you (and your partner) to overcome the emotional challenges and work out ways to make positive changes in your life.
I know there can be a lot of dogma around getting professional help. Many people feel embarrassed, like they have somehow failed, but the truth is therapy provides long lasting benefits, beyond the just the relief of symptoms. Often people look for a magic pill but there isn’t any medication that will fix your relationship or help you to figure out what to do with your life. Therapy can be challenging; it takes commitment as you face the uncomfortable emotions and feelings that might come up while we talk. Together however, we can work out the tools you need to transform your life, to help you better relate to your partner, to build a better life and cope with life’s challenges.
Still not convinced?
Here are some myths about therapy.
Myth: Therapy is for crazy people
Truth: Quite the opposite, my clients come to me because they are self-aware enough to realise they need some help. They realise they can’t don’t have all the answers and want to learn how to become more emotionally balanced and self-confident.
Myth: I don’t need therapy. I am smart enough to work out my own problems.
Truth: I have blind spots, you have blind spots, we all do, and it has nothing to do with how smart you are. I am not going to tell you how to live your life. I will offer you an outside perspective based on hundreds of hours of experience and training to help you to find yourself and make better choices for your life.
Myth: Therapy is whiners, complainers and the self-indulgent
Truth: Ill be upfront. Therapy is hard work, you could just sweep your issues under the carpet again, but that isn’t why you are here. Complaining isn’t going to get you far anymore. Progress happens when you start taking a hard look at yourself, who you really are and then take responsibility for your own life. I will be your guide on this journey, but ultimately, you are the one that will have to do the work, you just have to decided if you are willing to do what it takes to get what your heart truly desires.
I am glad you are still here; it is a sign that you deeply desire change. The next step is to book an initial appointment for yourself or both you and your partner. It is really important to see if we gel together as we start this journey. There is no pressure, therapy is a partnership where I create a safe environment for you to heal.
I am looking forward to meeting you.